About Us

Welcome to Hyderabad Fertility & Research Centre. HFRC was established in Feb 1998. We give personal dedicated care which is cost effective all under one roof.

Why Choose Us?

Dr G. Padmasri is well trained in the U.K.in Obstetrics & Gynaecology. She obtained her MRCOG (Member of The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologist) in 1994.

She worked at Sheffield Fertility Centre, Sheffield , U.K.

She did her Master's Degree in Assisted Reproductive Technology, M. Med. Sci (ART)., from the University of Nottinghamin in 1997.

She got her FRCOG (Fellow of The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologist) in 2004.

We have experienced in- house embryologist.

We do our cases when the couple's condition is optimal for success. We do not batch our cycles. Our treatment modality starts from simple advice to highest techniques like ICSI.

Treatments are done only according to the problem of the couple. We do not use technology unnecessarily

Clinical Facilities at HFRC

Infertility Treatments

  1. Ovulation Induction with Follicular Study with Timed Intercourse

  2. Intrauterine Insemination-----Husband or Donor

  3. In Vitro Fertilization /Test-tube Baby

  4. ICSI—Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

  5. PESA-Percutaneus Epidydinel Sperm Asperation

  6. TESA-Testicular Aperm Asperation

  7. TESE-Testicular Sperm Extraction

  8. Donor Egg/ Embryo

  9. Freezing of Sperm/Oocyte/Embryo

  10. Surrogacy


Hyderabad Fertility & Research Centre
3-5-170/GS, near Baptist Church,
Hyderabad 500029, A.P, INDIA.


Tel       : 04023261933/1934,

Mobile: 9177970431

Email   : hfrc1998@gmail.com

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