1. Q. When do couples need to see a doctor/infertility specialist for infertility treatment?

A.  When a couple have lived together for one year (without the use of any family planning methods) & have not achieved a pregnancy they need to consult a doctor for advise & investigations.


If the wife or husband is known to have a health problem or the wife's age is more than30years then they need to see a doctor after 6 months of married life.

2. Q. Should my husband be present at consultation or shall I come with a close friend or relative?

A.  Ideally wife & husband must come for the first consultation. Under complete privacy all matters concerned to the couple will be discussed with regard to their infertility problem. The presence of a relative or a friend actually takes away the privacy & proper information cannot be gathered by the doctor.

3. Q. What do we need to bring to the clinic at the first consultation?

A. The couple needs to get all their previous investigations/treatment papers (if any) to the first consultation.

This helps in avoiding repetition of investigations & helps in coming to an early diagnosis.

4.Q.Is there an ideal time in the menstrual cycle for first consultation With the Doctor?

A.  The couple can come to the clinic any time in the cycle for consultation. Your first consultation takes at least half hour to one hour with the doctor. Therefore you will not be seen by your serial number. You get prepared for a waiting time of at least one hour.

5. Q. Who needs artificial insemination (IUI)?

A.  It increases the chances of conception.
It is advised in the following conditions:

  1. No success with timed intercourse.
  2. Moderate sperm count.
  3. Mild to moderate reduction in motility of sperm.
  4. Unexplained infertility.
  5. Mild to moderate endometriosis.
  6. Donor sperm insemination.
6. Q. Is IUI painful?

A.  No. It is a gentle procedure. With proper preparation no pain is felt by the patient.

7. Q.Is Bed rest required after in fertility treatment?

A. We advise patient to have all normal activities. No need for bed rest .

8. Q. What is IVF treatment?

A. Commonly known as test tube baby treatment. In this treatment one or more mature eggs are collected from the woman & fertilized outside the body using husband's sperm. Once embryos are formed 2-3 embryos are replaces back in the woman's uterus.

9. Q. Who needs IVF treatment?

A.  The following patients benefits from IVF treatment.

  1. Woman with blocked tubes.
  2. Recurrent IUI failures (atleast 6)
  3. Mod to severe male factor.
  4. Unexplained infertility.
  5. Moderate endometriosis atleast 6 cycles.
  6. Moderate male factors.
10. Q.What is ICSI?

A.  The injection of a single sperm into an egg using a micromanipulator to make an embryo is called ICSI. It is the latest technique in the management of severe male factor.

11. Q. Which patients benefit from ICSI?

A.  The following patients benefis from ICSI.

  1. Men with very low sperm count/very low sperm motility.
  2. Men with no sperm in semen but who have sperm in testes/epididymis.
  3. Failed fertilization at IVF.


Hyderabad Fertility & Research Centre
3-5-170/GS, near Baptist Church,
Hyderabad 500029, A.P, INDIA.


Tel       : 04023261933/1934,

Mobile: 9177970431

Email   : hfrc1998@gmail.com

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